Monday, March 23, 2009

Travel to Oslo

In 1864 Tosten went with his father to Oslo. "I was supposed to drive one of the rigs. It was my first trip so far from home, and it was a pleasure trip too, to see the capital city. However, it was a long journey, twenty Norwegian miles (140 miles) with a heavy load. And no better bed at night but the floor, with our overcoats for covering. That was what was called "resting place" at that time. We had the privilege of making a fire in the stove if necessary, but there were no charges except 3 cents for a cup of coffee. It usually took us a whole week to drive one way if we happened to strike bad roads. Usually the whole trip took about three weeks. The following winter, too, I had the same opportunity; after that Father quit going, and I went alone."

-- excerpt from Tosten's autobiography, written in 1917

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