Saturday, May 9, 2009

Waiting in Liverpool

"Late Tuesday night we came to Liverpool, England. It was quite a walk from the depot to the hotel, and the company walked fast--a whole train load of immigrants. It was raining a little. I carried Lars and led Anna and Micheal, so they should not get away from me in the mob of people.

We were quite tired when we finally reached the hotel. Supper awaited us, which consisted of rolls and coffee. Later all married folks should follow to their rooms. We ascended two or three flights of stairs, and there in a large hall with beds all over, similar to a hospital ward, we were shown our sleeping quarters. We stayed here two days, not being allowed to go outside the gate. We were watched as though we were children. And that was needed too. People of all descriptions were trying to interview us and get our money. Peddlers, fortune tellers, and others playing instruments were all there. But they were not allowed inside the gate."

Excerpt from Sigrid's account of her journey to America, written in 1919.

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Live Well Letters by Kristie Nelson-Neuhaus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.